On July 30, 1962, a meeting of clubs in the Western District of Zone 4 of the Royal SA Bowling Association took place at the home of Mr A Heynen. The purpose of the meeting was to ascertain the feeling of Clubs in the Lower Murray area towards forming an Association and a pennant programme competition. The
Clubs participating in that inaugural meeting are, with the exception of Mannum, the same clubs which play pennant bowls in the Lower Murray Bowling Association today.
A motion was put forward at the meeting that the name of the new association be the River Murray Pennant Bowls Association. An amendment was then moved that the name be the Lower Murray Pennant Bowls Association. The amendment was defeated. So, what is now the Lower Murray Bowling
Association came into existence. The inaugural President was Mr Heynen of Tailem Bend and the first Secretary, Mr R Abbott of Karoonda. Registration fees were set at 2 shillings per head. At the 1963 annual meeting, the balance sheet shows that receipts from registration totalled 25 pounds 6 shillings. From this we can see that 253 players were registered in that first year. For some reason or other, the registration fees in the following year were reduced to 1 shilling.
At the next general meeting, on May 6, 1963, the name “River Murray PBA” was rescinded and the name “Lower Murray Bowling Association” adopted. The reason given being that the latter had been the name used by the press all that season. For the next ten years the half yearly and annual meetings continued to
be held at Mr and Mrs Heynen’s home at Tailem Bend, the town being roughly central for the clubs in the Lower Murray area. In 1975, Mr Heynen, Mr AR Bolton, also of Tailem Bend and Mr AE Denman of the RSL Club became the first members to be awarded life membership of the Association. They were presented with their life membership medallions on Opening Day at the Murray Bridge Bowling Club in September of that year.
Norris Stasinowsky must inevitably come to mind when we think of the Lower Murray Bowling Association. He was elected Association Secretary in 1974 and continued in this position until 1990, a record unlikely to be equalled in the future. In 1985, he was deservedly awarded life membership of the Association.
Peter Connolly of the Tailem Bend Bowling Club has since joined the ranks of Life Member of the LMBA for his exceptional and untiring work as publicity officer for the Association. Lorna Rowley is a Foundation and Life member of the Association (Women’s) and was joined by Ivy Kluske as a life member. These two women have worked tirelessly for the betterment of bowls in the Murraylands and also the wider bowling community. Ivy Kluske has also served as President of Bowls SA for a period of three years.
Lorna Rowley is a Foundation and Life member of the Association (Women’s) and was joined by Ivy Kluske as a life member. These two women have worked tirelessly for the betterment of bowls in the Murraylands and also the wider bowling community. Ivy Kluske has also served as President of Bowls SA for a period of three years.
On 30th January 2012 the Association became combined following a meeting held at Tailem Bend Bowling Club to adopt the new constitution and conditions of pennant and tournament play. On May 6th 2014 Jack Pitcher had life membership conferred on him at the Annual General Meeting of the LMBA. Jack had been a member of the LMBA since 1992 when Mannum joined the Lower Murray. He became Secretary in 2002 and served until his untimely death in late 2017.
A meeting was held at the home of Mrs Fairhead on Thursday 16 August 1962 at 1pm by delegates oflocal and surrounding districts Women’s Bowling Clubs for the purpose of forming a pennant association.
Mrs Fairhead occupied the chair and welcomed Mrs W. Marks Senior Vice President, Mrs M. Williams Secretary of South Australia Women’s Bowling Association and delegates.
Delegates Present Karoonda Mesdames Abbot and Roberts, Jervois Mesdames Nelly and Hately, RSL was represented by Mesdames Wanke and Francis and Murray .Bridge delegates were Mesdames Hales and Zadow.
Forming Association Mrs Williams outlined the running of pennant rules and read the constitution of whichpennant associations adopted. Jervois delegates were not sure if they would be able to join as they had only 12 or so bowling members and would have no replacements. A suggestion was made for Jervois tocombine with Tailem Bend but Mrs Williams advised against this. M.B. delegates assured Jervois their club would assist with substitutes when necessary, this solution was accepted.
After much discussion it was resolved to form a pennant association.
Vice President Mrs Marks took the chair for the nomination of President. Mrs Wanke proposed Mrs Fairhead Mrs Hale seconded, carried.
Secretary Mrs Williams congratulated Mrs Fairhead and wished association every success. Mrs Wanke proposed Mrs Hales Mrs Abbott seconded, carried.
Date Pennant Starts Mrs Roberts Karoonda moved first pennant game be played Thursday 8 November Mrs Francis seconded, carried. It was resolved to play 4 games before Christmas and after a recess over holidays, pennants to resume February. Starting Time 1.30pm and play 20 ends with a 15 min recess for afternoon tea after 11 ends have been played.
Afternoon tea to be scones or savoury. Karoonda, Jervois and RSL to enter 1 team of 3 rinks and Murray Bridge 3 teams, play 2 rounds of 5 matches with 10 matches in all for the season.
Substitutes must play as a second and only 1 sub to be allowed each rink.
Registrations Mesdames Hately and Kelly Jervois moved and seconded that each club pay £1 per teamregistration to association, carried.
Opening of Season by the Association to be on RSL greens on a date to be fixed and 100 invitation cards to be printed.
Trading Table all clubs asked to send saleable goods and delegate from each club to convene same.
By Laws
- Should one club fail to appear within 15 minutes of the time of starting, the club ready to commence play
may be awarded the match at the discretion of the General Committee - The position of the respective rinks shall be decided by drawing
- In event of any team being 3 players or less short such team may use players of the opposing club,
providing that such players shall play in second position. - In the event of the temperature reaching 94 or over play be suspended to later date
- Second players to score and skippers must sign cards
Meeting closed 3.20pm M. Fairhead
Mr A. Heynen | Tailem Bend BC |
Mr A R Bolton | Tailem Bend BC |
Mr A E Denman | Murray Bridge RSL BC |
Mr N Stasinowsky | Murray Bridge BC |
Mr P J Connolly | Tailem Bend BC |
Mrs L Rowley | Murray Bridge RSL BC |
Mrs I Kluske | Jervois BC |
Mr J R Pitcher | Mannum BC |